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What is Landing Page and Why it is Important?

What is Landing PAge

Landing pages – your website’s closer, not a maze

Suppose you see an ad for a tasty new pizzeria, juicy images incorporated and the guarantee of maybe “free garlic knots with your first order!” Hook and bait, you click the ad to fulfill your craving. Instead of being met with a gooey, cheesy page you are suddenly thrust onto an information-rich site brimming about all kinds of yoga lessons, dog-grooming services and wait…where’s that pizza?

Welp, this is what landing pages are meant to prevent users.

What are landing pages anyway? A landing page is a single web page created for a marketing or advertising campaign. Consider them your site’s closer – their sweet siren song of whatever that irresistible (or on sale, educational, etc.) offer is.

What is a Landing Page and Why is it so Important?

After all, with the short attention spans of today’s internet marketing crowd… Nobody wants to be finding treasures in a maze. This is why landing pages matter – they remove uncertainty and bring the right message to just that person who clicked upon your ad or offer.

How Landing Pages Turn Clicks into Conversions (A Fancy Marketing Word for Getting People to Do What You Want Them To)

  • Landing pages do one thing: promote a single offer. Basically, a headline that conveys exactly what the offer is, bullets on the benefits of said offer and solid branding – like high-quality visuals to stop people from scrolling past.
  • Landing page as an eavesdropper in conversation in the target audience they actually scrape the ad or link that redirected the visitor and use in message as a personal one. Take an ad for a fitness guide, that guarantees you free access to it – pimps out all the good in its offer (and little of anything bad), then directs any clicker-throughers to a landing page having everything possible and impossible selling how gym will improve your life & savings with testimonials from happy fitness-kids.
  • Easy as Pie: Never Look for Misplaced Buttons again! Landing pages show the visitor exactly what you intend them to do next. Free trial, sign up for a newsletter or buy now with Contrasting call to action (CTA) button that tells them exactly what you want they clicks on.
  • Focus = Results: By stripping down the experience and removing any distractions, landing pages are far more likely to turn readers into customers. Leading to more sign-ups and in the long-run an increased number of sales and obviously – a happier you!

Also Read About landing page management tool

The beautiful thing is: you do not have to spend thousands of dollars on a fancy landing page. By including clear headlines, engaging visuals (pictures and videos – NOT complex charts), your landing pages will be a lot more effective., and easy-to-read text. The secret of course, is to make sure your offer has value to it and that saying “yes” makes absolute sense!

Figure out how to cut through the website maze straight to a landing page that complements your site perfectly right here It is the secret to converting those curious clicks into committed customers and in getting your online marketing efforts right!

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